Thursday, March 29, 2012

The Business Of Social Chat

Hi!  Doug Abney here, today I wanted to write about the importance of social chat (chatting in traffic exchanges).  The internet is rapidly changing the way we market ourselves, and social chat is rapidly becoming one of, if not the, most important tools we as internet marketers can use to promote and brand ourselves and our businesses. 

If you were to have asked me six months ago about social chat, I would have probably said "what?"  While I have been using traffic exchanges for years, to me social chat was nothing more than that annoying little box on the right side of your screen that unknown people said things in that sometimes made no sense.  So I chose to ignore it and concentrate on my surfing.  (For those who don't know, surfing is what you do when you use a traffic exchange, you surf it.)

And then a while back a funny thing happened.  As I was surfing a new traffic exchange I had just joined, I noticed my name pop up in that annoying column.  I was being welcomed to the exchange by the owner.  Well, I don't know why but I chose to answer him and we got to talking.  His name was Marcus Wahl.  Well, as we talked I thought, hmmm, this is not so bad, in fact, it's kind of nice.  Little did I know that this first conversation with Marcus would turn into me using the chat box all over the internet!  Not only is it fun to get to know other people and chat with them,  lots of people I have now realized won't even consider doing business with you if they have never met you.  Since beginning to talk on the chat boards, I have met so many wonderful people and made so many business contacts.  My online business has increased about 25%, and I have even joined a few programs that I never would have if not for talking to the person promoting it.

I owe Marcus from Legacy Hits a debt of gratitude for getting this shy and timid person to finally come out of his shell and enter the chatrooms.  Thanks also to Rodney Hage and Ken Locatelli, co-owners of Legacy Hits with Marcus Wahl.  I will write about another great exchange I recently discovered soon, but Legacy Hits will always be #1 to me!  (And there ranking is rapidly shooting towards that mark, by the way).  Do yourself a favor.  Join Legacy Hits and HIT that chatroom!  You'll be glad you did!  You can join Legacy Hits right here: 

Doug Abney
Countrywide Satellite